Monday, 30 August 2021

Tribute to science

Ok as promised this is the first of many poems which pays a tribute to science and various scientists, The first poem is a general tribute to how science has played an important part in changing life for the better and challenging vested interests. I find it quite depressing that even today there are people who dispute the basic facts of science because it challenges pre-conceived ideas about say creation as in fundamentalist evangelical circles creating a suspicion of science. 

Far closer to home are those people who deny climate change and who are given a platform from the media in the interests of so called balance. Well I am sorry if 95% of scientists have strong evidence for the fact that mankind is accelerating climate change then there is no way a person such as say Nigel Lawson or Donald Trump should be allowed equal media coverage because it suits their interests in order to do so. Their views are minority ones and have nothing to do with science. 

Similarly for those idiots who refuse to take vaccinations the scare about the possible link between MMR and autism has meant that measles has come back when to all intents and purposes it was eradicated. Those journalists such as Melanie Philips who supported Andrew Wakefiled should hang their heads in shame.  Similarly the only way we have any hope of defeating the Corunna virus is to develop vaccines and if need be take boosters as and when necessary. If you want to end the lockdown restrictions then make sure you take the vaccine. 

Finally I strongly resist the current trend of the transgender lobby to defy science and for men to claim that because they feel like a woman they should be allowed to invade women's private spaces such as toilets or womens showers. Or take part in women's sports or women only short list/ It is biologically impossible for a man to change into a woman no matter how many hormones they take and anyone who claims otherwise is just denying science. I hope this nonsense will stop soon but the way things are going it seems highly unlikely. I have a number of female colleagues who are genuinely worried about this and I hope they win their battles against this unscientific nonsense. 

 Anyway here is my Tribute to science in general I hope you enjoy it. 

                                                         Ode To Science

In the midst of Man’s inanity,

Science brings a voice of sanity.

Getting rid of superstition,

You improve our condition.


Vested interests they despair,

When the truth is bought to bear.

Only with you will we find,

What it is that drives Mankind.

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